5 Programming Languages to learn in 2021

5 Programming Languages to learn in 2021

Check the list of 5 programming languages to learn in 2021. Source : Stackoverflow, LinkedIn, Naukri.com

Written By: Naman Raj Singh
Views: 509
By InfoBite

In this informative blog I'll be telling you the TOP 5 Trending and Needed programming languages to learn in 2021.
Without wasting much time, let's get started.

Without any doubt, Javascript has been gaining the popularity since decade. A programming language first appeared in 1995 and was founded by Brendan Eich. Javascript has no relation with JAVA. But as of now and in future it seems, it will be kicking JAVA and many other languages out of the industry.
Benefits of learning Javascript -
Used in Web Development in all three segments like Frontend, Backend and Database.
Used in App Development for designing Native Apps for Android and iOS both.
Used in creating Desktop Applications and many more.